
Showing posts from October, 2022

Dog knee brace

  More Liquid meal replacement for cats    Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure Trumpet vine rash  

Garlic kind of hurts cats

  Can cats eat baby food with additives?  Cats cannot eat baby food with additives. Additives might be harmful to a cat. For example, some spices and seasonings such as garlic should not be given to cats. If your cat is feeling ill and you want to increase their appetite you can give them a little of a baby food that's made with meat. Do not give them any baby food that contains spices. For example, if the baby food is seasoned with onions, it's bad for cats. Onions are toxic for cats. Similarly, if the baby food is seasoned with garlic, it can harm your cat.  Cats should not have garlic. Always consult your veterinarian before giving your cat any type of spice or food additive. More Liquid meal replacement for cats    Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure Trumpet vine rash  

Can a weak kitten eat baby food?

  Can cats eat baby food if they're sick?  Cats can eat meat based baby food if they're ill. Cats can only eat meat-based baby food if its free of additives. Sick cats should also only be given a moderate portion of meat based baby food. So, meat based baby food can't be used as a regular or daily substitute for regular cat food. More Liquid meal replacement for cats    Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure Trumpet vine rash